pralus tanzanie
look - dark roasty brown. bubbling and chunkiness. 8
smell - chocolate wafer cookie, slight berry, some light coffee, more berry, slight mintiness, fruit tea
taste - cocoa and some sharp bitter tastes at opening, roasted pleasant smells, vanilla creep in, richer tastes, pasta like smell, slight tobacco for a moment, reminds of a pumpkin custard, acidity kicking in, dry astringent roast takes over at finish,length of that and cocoa, a bit of peaty whisky. 8.5
balance - reasonable, but astringency throws things off. it's as though all the proper elements are present (acid, sweet, base) but the astringency and occasional bitterness kind of throw everything out of whack and make it imbalanced. 7.5
texture - decent, but a bit grainy. 8
interpretation - a very roast centered pralus. astringency can be considered interesting, but ends up just seeming like a flaw, esp when it distracts and throws things out of balance. 8
summary - roasty, astringent, dark berries on nose only.

pralus papousie
look - brown with slight orange tint. lots of ugly bubbling/swirling/lumpiness 8
smell - vegetative - kabocha with skin, tea, vanil, some musky flower, roasted seed, very cocoa-y. roast, buttery, cocoa, sweet kabocha smell.
taste - slight sweet, good base, cocoa, vanila, tiny bit ofmushromy, cocoa, some kabocha with skin, buttery, rich, some roast nut (maybe pecan), onderfully rich and balanced, not over-buttery, long enjoyable cocoa, extraordinarily clean and focused. 9
balance - near perfect. weight really sells this choco. almost like eating nothing at all. 9.5~.... 10??
texture - very nice. rich and smooth with a lightness not present in venezuela
interpretation - a very simple choco. very simple. mostly just cocoa for aromas. but the balance and the "stability" of it a are really remarkable. eating it is a long drawn-out experience in straight chocolate with no interference. very interesting (in the way it has no variety or development!). 9
summary - balanced, smooth, cocoa. pure.

pralus java (couverture)
look - rich dark brown, swirling, tiny bubbles 8.5
smell - slightly woody, meaty, some mint, touch of cumin?, buttery choco,
taste - coffee like, roasted twigs, blendy, very even acid, some fruit notes pop up (dark, pruney kind of), metallic butter pralusroast, butter pastry, end of roasted burnt popcorn, slight sweet. mild coffee with mostly roasty blend on finish. 9
balance - nice. sliggghtly sweet. other than that, very balanced. 9
texture - very smooth, felt somewhat rich. 9
interpretation - somewhat lacking in intensity and character, but some very nice balance and texture. a good, easy chocolate. 9
summary - simple, blendy, roast.

theo ivory coast
look - chalky brick brown. fine looking, some tiny bubbling 9
smell - beans, sharp smell, chalk, slight roasty, dry smell, light with some fruit elements, maybe a bit of blue cheese element,
taste - sweet, bpowdery, chalky, indian spice, roasty, vegetative, bitter, somewhat like a deodorant, some more spice, something starchy. 7.5~8
balance - not so great, acidity not found, base is low, astringent and bitter quite noticeable. also a bit sweet. 7.5
texture - so so. a bit powdery 8
interpretation - feels "real" in some sense, but just no finesse or balance. a lot of dry sensations, a bit strong in certain spice or vegetal smells. not so great. 7.5~8
summary - dry, imbalance, spice

domori sur del lago
look - tree-bark brown. lots of tiny bubbling, no major surface probs tho 9
smell - roasted sunflower seed, mild cocoa, slight woodyness, dry smell, creamy (coconut?) smell, bread crust, slight soil, 8.5~9
taste - light creamy aromas, cocoa nibs, fruit - maybe pineapple, rich cooa, back to light and creamy, blue cheese, creamy texture, good balance with slight acid, feels light, possibly a tiny bit dry in some sense, (not unpleasant), very light touch of coffee, mild/clean cocoa, slight soilyness at end, more creamy sensations/aromas. not properly identifyingthem, but very light and pleasant 9
balance - nice. a bit on the sweet side, possibly lacking some base. acid plays nice background role, but not quite up to the sweetness level 8.5
texture - very smooth. in an odd way, a bit "dry" preventing it from having the "richness" of the pralus (esp venez/papousie) 9
interpretation - very pleasant, creamy and light experience. any cocoa present was very clean. a tiny bit of soil-factor adds interest to the cocoa. all in all, very light and slightly fresh. a bit lacking in "roundness", but very nice considering just cocoa and sugar. 9
summary - light, creamy, fresh
i'm finding the pralus papousie very impressive in that it's so simple, yet so well executed. i'm also becoming a big fan of the domori. if it was only a little rounder. although, maybe that's what makes it so attractive -- that it has its own unique personality
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